Thursday, August 2, 2012

Episode 51: Unwholesome Tenancy & Gaming Texts

In this episode, we talk about our playtest of Unwholesome Tenancy and share our opinions about what does (and does not) constitute a well written game.

Episode 51:  Unwholesome Tenancy & Gaming Texts


  1. Well done guys! I found the link to Mom's Basement off the Story-Games website. I really enjoyed the podcast reviewing "Unwholesome Tenancy". Thanks for suffering through the heat to talk about what works well, and what and how things can be improved. I also liked the Game Text conversation. I'm going to try to listen to you guys more often; add Mom's Basement to my list of regular podcasts I try to catch. Pls keep reviewing Indie and work in progress RPGs. Thanks!
    Gaming Events in the Springs

  2. Awesome Shannon, thanks!

    We have a whole bunch of old episodes with playtest reviews, if that's something you're interested in.

  3. I'm a listener, too. I've been trying to go back and listen to the playtest episodes since I found out you guys do that kind of thing.

    My favorite is still the Korean-language-teaching magic game, both for subject matter and discussions.


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